We gather together each Sunday.
We worship joyfully.
We come as we are.
All are welcome.
The heart of the Christian community is regular worship. Our time together starts at 9:00am. Whether you would like to sing in the choir or join in the conversation at Sunday School, we have a seat at our table for you.
Worship takes place at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary. We follow a traditional order of service, grounded in the Reformed tradition, with a progressive Christian interpretation. We use a bulletin (program) to follow along with the service. We acknowledge God’s presence in the world and in our lives; to hear the Word of God, to offer ourselves to God and be equipped for service in the world. Through song, prayer, story, and proclamation, we thoughtfully and joyfully offer praise to God.
Parking and Accessibility
We have a lot located south of the church with accessible parking. Campbell Street also provides ample parking. Please note, Campbell is a one-way street.
All levels of our building are accessible by elevator (at the Campbell Street entrance) or a chair lift.
Several of our all-gender restrooms are wheelchair accessible, including one with a diaper changing station off of the dining room.
Central is a socially and theologically progressive PC(USA) community grounded in the Reformed tradition. We reflect the diversity in our world and welcome all to participate fully in the life of our church. In our readings and in our prayers, we use inclusive language and draw upon diverse images offered by Scripture to speak about God. For many years, our church was the metro area’s only Presbyterian congregation that welcomed and affirmed LGBTQIA+ persons.
Come as you are.
No, really. Come as you are! There is no dress code. There are no requirements. Bring yourself - your peace, weariness, compassion, worries, open mind and heart. You are invited and welcome to join us in fellowship after Worship.
Unable to join us in person?
Tune in live on our YouTube channel at 10:30am each Sunday. If you miss our live service, you may watch it later.
Extravagant Forgiveness
Sermon from 9/17/23
Scripture Readings: Psalm 103:1-13; Matthew 18:21-35
Sermon from 11/19/23
Scripture Readings: John 10:1-12; Luke 10:25-31