Pantry Donations
Your donations make a huge impact! Did you know…
We serve over 50 households every Wednesday in our food pantry and clothes closet.
We support national and global efforts of the PC(USA) in special offerings for disaster relief assistance, at risk populations, and ministry development.
In the past, we provided outreach funding within our community to organizations aligning with our mission statement Where Love and Justice are Central by facing systemic poverty and racism, LGBTQIA+ issues, environmental awareness and more head on.
By clicking the “Central Online Giving” button, you will be taken directly to our secure online payment portal supported by Vanco.
You may also give an “offline” monetary donation (cash or check) in our weekly collection plate at Worship or by mail:
Central Presbyterian Church
3501 Campbell St
Kansas City, MO 64109
We recognize our friends and neighbors may not be in a position to donate financially, and with that, we invite you to talk to us about volunteer opportunities or other ways to get involved in Central Life. We also regularly accept cooking and baking staples for our food pantry, personal hygiene items, and new or gently used clothing and housewares for our clothes closet and “essentials” cart.
Please see our Volunteer Opportunities page if you are interested in getting involved at Central or if you would like to make a donation to our pantry and clothes closet.