“Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts.”

-Acts 2:46

Upcoming Events

Troost Alliance Meeting

Troost Alliance Meeting

  • Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Troost Alliance is a group of organizations including non-profits, churches, and businesses that operate along the Troost Corridor. TA meets once a month to hear from one of our organizations and share information about our upcoming events.

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Ashes To Go

Ashes To Go

Pastor Jenny and Pastor Donna (St. Mark Hope & Peace) will be offering Ashes To Go on Ash Wednesday, March 5 from 12:00 (noon) to 1:30pm at the Campbell Street doors.

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The Longest Night: A Service for Endings and Beginnings

The Longest Night: A Service for Endings and Beginnings

For those who have experienced loss, the joy of the holiday season can often feel elusive and out of reach. Everyone who is reaching for that joy is invited to this service. Bring your grief. Bring your weariness. Bring your fatigue, and allow yourself a quiet space to reflect and draw near to God.

Due to the sensitive nature of this service, it will not be livestreamed.

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Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender Event

Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender Event

Guns to Gardens is a national movement based on Isaiah 2:4, “…Beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks,” which gives an opportunity for people to dispose of unwanted firearms in a safe and anonymous way. Guns to Gardens shares the vision of making our communities safer and more richly connected by encouraging the repurposing of dangerous firearms into garden tools and kitchen implements.

Central will be hosting a Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender event on Saturday, October 12 from 10am-2pm with assistance from community organizations and volunteers. During this event, people can anonymously surrender their unwanted firearms, which gets rid of unwanted firearms without putting them back onto the street. This is not a buy back. A gift card for a grocery store will be offered as a token of appreciation for each surrendered firearm.

Participants are invited to safely surrender your unwanted, UNLOADED firearm(s), which are to be stored in your vehicle’s trunk or back seat. You will remain in your vehicle in the church parking lot while trained volunteers dismantle your firearm. Following this event, the dismantled firearms will be repurposed into garden tools.

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CROP Hunger Walk

CROP Hunger Walk

Central has a team participating in this year's Heart of America CROP Hunger Walk. The 3.5 mile walk (optional 1.1 mile walk) will take place on Sunday, October 6 at 2:00pm (registration at 1:00pm) and will begin and end at Country Club Christian Church. Every year, 25% of funds raised stay in the local community.

When it began in 1947, CROP was an acronym for the Christian Rural Overseas Program. Its primary mission was to help Midwest farm families to share their grain with hungry neighbors in post-World War II Europe and Asia. Today, the CROP Hunger Walk is a nationwide movement with continued sponsorship by Church World Service to raise funds to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world.

Visit the Kansas City Crop Hunger Walk Event website to sign up, and make sure to register as a member of the Central Presbyterian Church team. If you cannot participate in this event, you may still make a donation through the event website.

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Guns to Gardens Volunteer Training and Demonstration

Guns to Gardens Volunteer Training and Demonstration

Guns to Gardens is a national movement based on Isaiah 2:4, “…Beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks,” which gives an opportunity for people to dispose of unwanted guns in a safe and anonymous way. Guns to Gardens shares the vision of making our communities safer and more richly connected by encouraging the repurposing of dangerous firearms into garden tools and kitchen implements.

Join us for a tool dismantling demonstration and volunteer training leading up to our Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender event. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up at the following link: Guns to Gardens Volunteer. A meal will be provided.

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Guns to Gardens Volunteer Training and Demonstration

Guns to Gardens Volunteer Training and Demonstration

Guns to Gardens is a national movement based on Isaiah 2:4, “…Beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks,” which gives an opportunity for people to dispose of unwanted guns in a safe and anonymous way. Guns to Gardens shares the vision of making our communities safer and more richly connected by encouraging the repurposing of dangerous firearms into garden tools and kitchen implements.

Join us for a tool dismantling demonstration and volunteer training leading up to our Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender event. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up at the following link: Guns to Gardens Volunteer. A meal will be provided.

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Homecoming Sunday

Homecoming Sunday

Welcome Home!

Join us on September 8 for Central’s Homecoming Sunday. We will Worship together at 10:30am followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall.

Please RSVP with the church office by Monday, September 2!

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Guns to Gardens Informational Session

Guns to Gardens Informational Session

Guns to Gardens is a national movement based on Isaiah 2:4, “…Beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks,” which gives an opportunity for people to dispose of unwanted guns in a safe and anonymous way. Guns to Gardens shares the vision of making our communities safer and more richly connected by encouraging the repurposing of dangerous firearms into garden tools and kitchen implements.

If you would like to learn more about Guns to Gardens, an informational session will take place on Tuesday, September 3 at 6:00pm. Additional information leading up to the Safe Surrender event will be provided in our enews, on social media, and our website.

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Heartland Presbytery Anti-Racism Training

Heartland Presbytery Anti-Racism Training

Central will host the Dividing Lines Driving Tour discussion on Thursday, August 29 at 6:30pm (new time). Prior to the meeting, participants are encouraged to take a self-guided driving tour of the history of Kansas City residential segregation and its far-reaching impacts. This tour was organized by the Johnson County Library, and more information about how to access and participate in the tour can be found at jocolibrary.org.

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