Volunteer at Central

As we share in the decisions, direction, and work of the church, we offer our time and talents in many ways.

  • Every Sunday our Worship Leaders and Ushers provide a warm welcome to Central’s members and visitors alike as we share in the Word and fellowship.

    If you are interested in serving as a worship leader or usher, please email churchoffice@centralpreskc.org.

  • All are welcome to sing in the choir each Sunday. Rehearsals begin at 9:00am before worship, and the regular season lasts from September through May. We also welcome guest performers throughout the year and have a bell choir that meets occasionally throughout the year.

    Please email our Director of Music and Worship, Dr. Cindy Sheppard, at cindy@centralpreskc.org for more information.

  • Whether stocking shelves, sorting items, or helping our neighbors shop, we are always looking for self-motivated and enthusiastic volunteers in our Pantry and Clothes Closet! Volunteers are welcome Monday through Wednesday and every third Friday.

    If you are interested in volunteering in our pantry and clothes closet or would like to make a donation, please email pantry@centralpreskc.org.

  • We are part of the Kansas City Community Garden network. Our garden is currently hibernating for the winter. Check back again as we near spring!

  • Volunteers and staff serve on various committees at the church. These committees oversee church operations, outreach efforts, fellowship opportunities, and more! Learn more about each group on our Committees page.

You are welcome to fill out our volunteer form, and member of Central leadership will be in touch with you to discuss your interests and how you can be involved!